Define Yourself Coaching

Life Coaching

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Location: Connecticut, United States

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Lights Moving Us Forward

Imagine what it must have been like at the turn of the last century when cities were lit up for the first time. All of a sudden we no longer lived in darkness, what a hugh change. That led to so much more of the industrial revolution which consumed the 20th century. I feel like I am at a similar point of lights turning on, only this time they are internal lights.
I went to a convention last week. This was so far out of my comfort zone, 6 months ago I wouldn't have been able to imagine it. I didn't know anyone except a few people that I had met briefly and now I was going to spend 5 days out of town with them. It had all the makings of a disaster. But I decided to open myself up to the experience and see where it would take me. I ended up having a great time, I met so many wonderful people, and heard some incredible speakers. I was surprised at how much fun I had.
I am learning that sometimes I just have to follow where the light is leading. This kind of thinking is new for me I always thought I had to follow the darkness and the drama, but it is so much better to look at the light in other people and situations. This allowed me to have a great week and new unexpected experiences.

Written by Guest Blogger Marilyn Joy


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Traveling Alone

I have a close friend who loves to make travel arrangements. We will discuss taking a trip and next thing I know she has chosen the destination and made all the plans. Now I normally love this, it is very easy for me and my friend picks great places to go. This year however I set out to take some trips by myself. Instead of saying I can't go somewhere because I don't want to go alone, I am going. On my first venture I went to a week end workshop in Kansas City. Not the most adventuresome or exotic but I like to start with small steps. At first I felt very alone and wishing I was at home, but I allowed myself to open to the experience. I stayed after the first evening lecture and talked to different people instead of going back to my room. The second day I made sure that I met new people, sharing meals with them and joining a group for a walk. I found the people I had met the evening before and continued to build new friendships. By the end of the week end I had met many interesting people and felt like I had new friends, some I hated to leave. When I was driving back to the airport, I felt so different from what I was feeling a few days earlier. I felt strong and whole instead of alone and afraid. Now I don't have to wait for my friend to make all the arrangements. My next solo trip will be next month. I am going to a convention in Salt Lake City. I will be meeting up with people that I have only met once or twice and spending five days with them. I feel like I am really opening up for a new experience and I know that my state of mind will make all the difference. I have learned that to make a successful solo journey you have to push beyond the boundaries normally set for yourself. Be open and willing to see things from a new perspective and talk to as many people as possible. You will find yourself having a lot of fun and experience situations in a whole new way.
Written by Marilyn Joy
Define Yourself Guest Author
Photo {Flickr-Brooklyn Museum}

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"I dwell in possibility"

The challenge for us all is to look to the splendor within, to see all the amazing possibilities that exist in us. It takes faith to believe that we are incredibly beautiful when we see with the eyes of the world. We always have the ego telling us that we are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, we won't have enough. Enough, enough, enough, a word I would like to eliminate from my vocabulary!
For me spending time in meditation quiets the voice telling me what is wrong with me and my life. Like a nagging mother or spouse, I can close the door on the noise. I can look inside to see the beauty that I was created in, I can look inside to see the light that is always there.
The positive thoughts that I encounter durning meditation stay with me all day. I am able to build one though upon another and stay in an awareness of love and light. I am able to live a productive life and give my best to others. As I stay in this awareness I am able to build the life that I have dreamed of and face any challenge with faith.
Emily Dickinson said it beautifully: "I dwell in possibility."

Written by
Define Yourself Guest Author-Marilyn Joy

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How do we move forward in the face of overwhelming odds? Looking at these waves, I remember summers growing up on Lake Michigan. We loved to play in the hugh waves but often times they became too much for us and we were pulled under. Tossed and turned upside down and ending up with a lot of water in our noses. Sometimes lately this is how I am feeling and I don't think I am alone. There are so many challenges facing us and it can be difficult to believe that we will ever get to calm water again. The key for me has always been to look beyond the hugh waves and see the golden light on the horizon. I know that whatever is happening on the outside, deep inside I am being guided and cared for by the calm presence of the light. An inner peace floods me whenever I let go of being overwhelmed by the waves. I have learned to trust this feeling and allow it to become stronger then the fear. I stop, take some deep breaths and know that my strength comes from within. Thank God I don't have to count on myself to solve my problems, I have an inner guide. I know I will be tossed and turned by the waves again, but the light will always break through. "In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time."
Leonardo Da Vinci

Written by Marilyn Joy
Define Yourself Coaching Guest Blogger

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I loved the photo of the spiral steps in Rome. It made me wonder if sometimes when I feel I am spiraling down out of control, I am actually working my way into the center. With so many changes happening to all of us, it is hard to feel like we are on solid ground. Conditions shift under our feet, events happen so quickly we have no chance to process how we feel. I don't really know if we are programed to operate at such a fast pace. I have seen this in my profession as a video editor. When working on a documentary, I am often given the instruction to make the program very fast paced, lots of fast cuts and effects. We have no attention span. I have found that many of the days that are so difficult and unsure are actually my days of big spiritual steps. I try to remember not to judge by appearances. I have found that the best remedy for that spiraling down feeling is to become still. Many times I try so hard to "do something" that I accomplish nothing. When I become still and breath I calm down and my brain becomes clear. Focusing on the breath allows all other thought to fall away and the universe to show the way. And at that point I realize that I am working my way deeper into the center.

"When you practice mindful breathing, you become truly present. If you are here life is here also." Thich Nhat Hanh

Written by Marilyn Joy
Define Yourself Guest Blogger

Photo by[bcnbits]

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hidden Talents

lately i've been thinking that too many of us conceal our talents, tuck them away, like treasures in a box. in the past week i've met an engineer who decorates cakes with fondant icing, turning them into confection dreams. a contractor, artistically arranging my friend's kitchen tile, shyly admits he built a recording studio in his house to write music he's longing to play publicly. the mother who carpools my son to soccer is a black belt in karate. another friend writes screenplays at entreaty to all: don't tuck the best parts of yourselves away for safe keeping. blow open that box, rejoice in your
talents. share them, and enrich the world.

~Lesley Haggin Geary
~Define Yourself Guest Author

Monday, February 9, 2009

Meet Connie Cusick,
Define Yourself Life Coach

About Connie:
For me, life coaching was a natural fit.
I have been always drawn to inspiring people and finding strategies for them to fulfill their wants and needs. Change thrills me--especially positive change! I thrive on being exposed to fresh ideas and new perspectives. When I moved to Connecticut 10 years ago, I was amazed at the abundance of talent and resources that were available to me! I was meant to be here! I loved hearing the stories of how businesses started, where people traveled to and from, and new ways of living life. My parents are great inspirations to me. They are “idea” people who were never afraid to try! They taught me that the only failure is not trying and never let me forget the saying, “leap and the net will appear.” If they had a dream, they went for it--period. Yet, like many other people, I still believed that I was only capable of certain things and set limits on myself. These assumptions of my capabilities challenged my confidence until I finally stepped over my limits. It felt great! My new-found freedom from my own assumptions lead me to start an antique and home accessories business, design a handbag and vintage jewelry line, and ace the New York University Life Coaching Program. All from my home, while raising my children, on my own terms. Once, I took that first step, my options and creativity were limitless! There were crucial factors to my successes other than freedom and amazing parents, the support of fabulous life coaches and loyal friends also were key to achieving my goals. You must surround yourself with people who are positive and want the best for you! Now I am living each day authentically and with passion. My mission and dream is to bring out everyone’s strengths, support them as they redefine their lives with fresh thinking and challenge them to live authentically everyday.
Be your best!

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